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CUET ( Common University Entrance Exam )
Introduction to Common University Entrance Test CUET (UG)
About Common University Entrance Test CUET (UG)
The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is being introduced for admission into all UG Programmes in all Central Universities, under the Ministry of Education, (MoE). The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) will provide a common platform and equal opportunities to candidates across the country, especially those from rural and other remote areas and help establish better connect with the Universities. A single Examination will enable the Candidates to cover a wide outreach and be part of the admissions process to various Central Universities.
About Central Universities (CUs)
Central Universities or Union Universities in India are established by an Act of Parliament and are recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). Central universities, in addition, are covered by the Central Universities Act, 2009, which regulates their purpose, powers, governance, etc.
Some of the Central Universities are: Aligarh Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, Jamia Milia Islamia, Jawaharlal Nehru University, etc.
About National Testing Agency (NTA)
The Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India (GoI) has established the National Testing Agency (NTA) as an independent, autonomous, and self-sustained premier testing organization under the Societies Registration Act (1860) for conducting efficient, transparent, and international standardized tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admission to premier higher education institutions with a mission to improve equity and quality in education by developing and administering research-based valid, reliable, efficient, transparent, fair and international level assessments.
National Testing Agency has been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting the Common University Entrance Test (UG) for admission into the Undergraduate programmes/ courses for all the Central Universities (CUs).
Now, it is essential for all CUET aspirants to know the Exam Scheme, Exam Syllabus, Marking Scheme, Eligibility, Reservations, Exam Schedule, Application Fees Structure.
One of the most important things to understand is the examination scheme of CUET . The following is a brief insight on the same.
Mode of Examination: CUET (UG) will completely be conducted in Hybrid mode (Pen & Paper/ Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
Medium of Examination: The CUET (UG)- 2024 will be conducted in English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
(**Please Note : The option of language for Question Paper should be exercised while filling up the Application Form online and it cannot be changed at a later stage**)
Scheme of Examination: Subject combinations for each paper, type of questions in each paper, and mode of examination are given in the table below:
1. From the above subjects/languages, the candidate can choose a maximum of 06 (six) subjects from all three Sections.
2. 40 out of 50 questions for all test papers and 50 out of 60 for the General Test (An overall choice of 10 questions will be provided for all 61 subjects).
3. It is advisable for candidates to select at least one language and the General Test.
4. Duration for all test papers would be 45 minutes except for Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, Accountancy, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Computer Science/Informatics Practices, and General Tests which would be 60 minutes.
5. The examination will be conducted on multiple days in two or three shifts, depending on the number of Candidates and Subject choices.
The Pattern of Question Paper
Objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
Marking Scheme of Examination
For Multiple Choice Questions: To answer a question, the candidates need to choose one option corresponding to the correct answer or the most appropriate answer. However, if any anomaly or discrepancy is found after the process of challenges of the key verification, it shall be addressed in the following manner:
i. Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5)
ii. Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1).
iii. Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0).
iv. f more than one option is found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options.
v. If all options are found to be correct then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question.
vi. If none of the options is found correct, or a question is found to be wrong, or a question is dropped, then all candidates who have attempted the dropped question will be given five marks (+5) mark.
Tests / Subject covered under CUET (UG)
There are two or three shifts in a day. A candidate can choose up to 6 Subjects for taking the Exam.
Duration of Test
The examination will be conducted on multiple days in two or three shifts per day, depending on the number of candidates and their combinations.
Note: Compensatory time for PwBD Candidates of 20 minutes for each hour examination will be given.

The CUET aspirant should be well aware of the syllabus in order to prepare effectively for the exam.

For appearing in the CUET (UG), there is no age limit for the candidates. The candidates who have passed the class 12 /equivalent examination or are appearing irrespective of their age can appear in CUET (UG) examination.
However, the candidates will be required to fulfill the age criteria (if any) of the University / Institution / Organization in which they are desirous of taking admission.
List of Qualifying Examinations (QE)
The final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by any recognized Central/ State Board, such as the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi; Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi; etc.
Intermediate or two-year Pre-University examination conducted by a recognized Board/ University.
Final examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defence Academy
Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling with a minimum of five subjects.
Any Public School/ Board/ University examination in India or any foreign country is recognized as equivalent to the 10+2 system by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
Higher Secondary Certificate Vocational Examination.
A Diploma recognized by AICTE or a State board of technical education of at least 3 years duration.
General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London/Cambridge/Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.
High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva.
Candidates who have completed the Class 12 (or equivalent) examination outside India or from a Board not specified above should produce a certificate from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) to the effect that the examination they have passed is equivalent to the Class 12 Examination.
In case the Class 12 Examination is not a public examination, the candidate must have passed at least one public (Board or Pre-University) examination earlier.
Please Note:
For admission in Universities through CUET (UG), the existing policies regarding quota, category, relaxation, reservations, qualification, subject combinations, preferences etc. of the respective University / Institution / Organization shall be applicable.
As the eligibility criteria for admission may be unique for every University, the candidates are advised to visit the University website to which they are applying for their respective programs.
Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the eligibility criteria laid down by the University they are applying to.
Mere appearance in the Entrance Test or securing pass marks at the test does not entitle a candidate to be considered for admission to the Programme unless he/she fulfils the Programme wise eligibility conditions of the University they are applying to.
Indian nationals belonging to certain categories (OBC-NCL, Gen-EWS, SC, ST) are admitted under the seats reserved for them in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Government of India.
However, in the case of the Central Universities, the reservation policy of the respective University shall be applicable.
Also, in the case of the Institutes run/aided/recognized by State Governments, the reservation policy of the respective State Governments shall be applicable.
Note: For admission in Universities through CUET (UG), the existing policies regarding reservations, relaxation, quota, category, qualification, subject combinations, preferences etc. of the respective University shall be applicable.
Process of submission of Category Certificate in the Online Application Form:
1.For Candidates claiming to the GEN-EWS category
GEN-EWS certificate needs to be uploaded in the Online Application Form of CUET (UG) which should have been issued on or after 01 April 2023 in consonance with the latest guidelines of the Government of India. If any GEN-EWS candidate fails to submit the GEN-EWS certificate (issued on or after 01 April 2023) at the time of online registration, the candidate has to upload a declaration to that effect.
2.For Candidates claiming to the OBC-NCL category
OBC-NCL certificate needs to be uploaded in the Online Application Form of CUET (UG) which should have been issued in consonance with the latest guidelines of the Government of India. If any OBC-NCL candidate fails to upload the OBC- NCL certificate (issued on or after 01 April 2023) at the time of online registration, the candidate has to upload a to that effect.
Visit for the latest guidelines and updates on the Central List of State-wise OBCs.
3.For Candidates claiming to the SC or ST category
Caste (for SC) or tribe (for ST) certificate needs to be uploaded in the Online Application Form of CUET UG, as per the latest guidelines of the Government of India.
4.Provisions relating to Persons with Disability (PwD)
(a) Guidelines for conducting written examination for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities above 40% vide letter dated 29 August 2018 from Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
(b) Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with specified disabilities covered under the definition of Section 2(s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(r) of the said Act, i.e. persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing.
Note: For admission in Universities through CUET (UG) 2024, the existing policies regarding reservations, relaxation, quota, category, qualification, subject combinations, preferences etc. of the respective University shall be applicable.​
## Note: Compensatory time for PwBD Candidates, who are eligible for Scribe (whether such candidate uses the facility of Scribe or not) 20 minutes for each hour examination will be extended as per Govt. Guidelines. Such extra time will be extended test-wise and not in the aggregate duration of the morning/afternoon slot.
##The date(s) may vary depending on the National Election Schedule.
The examination will be held on multiple days, in two or three shifts in a day, depending on the number of candidates and their combinations.
Though the tests are scheduled in 02 or 03 shifts, as the case may be, each test within each shift is distinct and independent of the other.
A candidate has the option to choose the components of the test only. However, the allotment of candidates to the Shift will be based on the options exercised and technical and administrative considerations.
Admit Cards will be issued for each shift based on the components opted by him/her. No request for a change of date/shift will be entertained.
All three shifts will start at a specified time. Candidates have to report for the slot/s as per the time stated in their respective Admit Cards.​​​

Examination Fee
Examination fees will be charged based on the number of subjects chosen by the candidates.
Some Participating Universities

MCM Classes' CUET Training Programme
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