Here are some ideas to improve your score in the English Section of the competitive exams.
Step 1 :
Familiarize yourself with the different types of questions asked in the English section
Vocabulary Based Questions - Synonyms , Antonyms , Spellings , One word Substitutions , Idioms and Phrases
Fill in the Blanks in Sentences, Passages
Jumbled Sentences , Jumbled Passages
Spotting Errors in English Usage
Reading Comprehension
English Reasoning - Arguments , Assumptions , Courses of Action , Conclusions
Step 2 :
Take these steps to crack the English Section in your exams
Read everyday : Read Newspapers , Articles , Blogs , Books and anything else that you find interesting . Read about sports , politics , art , history , entertainment and everything that makes you a riveting personality !
Watch English channels on television - It can be anything you like and could vary from cartoon movies to international news.
Learn words - Do extensive use of supportive tools of technology Like online dictionaries, translators, learning videos etc. Don't let yourself assume the meaning of the word you don't know exactly. Make a habit to refer to dictionaries often. Keep it handy.
Make your personal list of new words that you are learning - Add to this list of words on a daily basis . Write the meanings of the new words learnt. Make Sentences with these words.
Start putting your thoughts on paper - write short stories, articles, blogs, any new thoughts that come to your mind. Try to frame your thoughts in English. This can be helpful in improving your writing skills. This is a bit difficult to practice but is a very helpful practice.
Dare to speak in English - At home try having conversations with your family and friends in English. The Discussions could centre around the day to day activities of the family or any event that is happening in the world outside.
Practice the Questions that come in the Competitive Exams - Read a Passage daily and answer the questions that follow. Understand the nature of Errors in English Usage and spot the errors in the questions related to error identification. Read the Statements and the Arguments and reason out which arguments are strong or weak . Read Statements and identify which assumptions are implicit in the statement.